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Thursday, 18 October 2012

5 Keys To Being A Successful Business Builder - Ryszard Gaczkowski

Flavon Max Event

5 Keys To Being A Successful Business Builder - Ryszard Gaczkowski

October 20, 2012 at 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Hotel Henry VIII 23 Leinster Gardens Bayswater W2 3AN London United Kingdom
This event requires registration!
Would you like to attract more customers?
Would you like an easier route to success?
Would you like to learn the recipe of success from someone who has built a successful and profitable international business?
Would you like to learn from the man who built up a network with over 33000 people during 6 years?
Sign up here today and bring along your ticket to the event!
We are running a free workshop where you can also discover the ‘5 C’s’ and how they can positively empower your life:
Communication - be heard & understood
Connection - so you don't feel alone
Contribution - be part of a greater cause
Compassion - learn to love yourself
Commitment - make your actions count
Ryszard Gaczkowski the Polish Ruby Presidency Member of Flavon Max (Grand Gold Award Winner for its products - 2012) is also going to share his key strategies to success during this event!
This event contains humour, practical insight on creating solid connections and stimulates strong, healthy bonds allowing you to build the foundations for increased success and happiness.
Labels: business owner, flavon max, success, Ryszard Gaczkowski

Monday, 8 October 2012

Are you sick and tired of catching every bug, virus or illness going around?

 Are you ready to use Chi Kong to transform your well-being into the picture of perfect health?

"Antibiotics are ineffective against viral and fungal infections."
—Merck Manual of Medical Information

The ancient Chinese secret to promote a powerful immune system is now available!

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Vaccines or Chikong?

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Csikung Tanfolyam

 Csikung Tanfolyam
2012 Április 14-15

Jöjjön el a kellemes hangulatú csikung tanfolyamra és tanulja meg a csi kung gyakorlatokat amelyekkel nem csak megelőzhetőek a bajok de elejét vehetjük a betegségeknek is!

Íme egy személyes példa a tanfolyam hatékonyságáról:

 Ezt el lehet kerülni Csikung gyakorlatokkal:

   Epe és vesekő
   Különböző fájdalmak, bőrproblémák
   Levertség, depreszió, agyvérzés
   Cukorbetegség, súlyproblémák
   Asztma, légúti megbetegedések, stb.

Mérhető eredmények?

Eredményt hozó gyakorlatok?

Megtérülő tanfolyam?

Igen, létezik egy könnyen elsajátítható és megvalósítható gyakorlat sorozat ami  kis változtatást igényel az életében de nagyszabású eredményeket hoz!

Csikung gyakorlatok = gyorsan helyreálló egészség, jó közérzet és energikusság 

pipa Igen szeretnék egészséges és fitt lenni és jelentkezem a csikung tanfolyamra.


Mikor, Hol?

Április 14-15
reggel 9-től este 6-ig

Griff Hotel Konferenciaközpont

Bartók Béla u. 152.

Bővebb információ ==>Csikung Tanfolyam

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Csi kung gyakorlasi idopontok - Csi kung Gyakorlatok

Csi kung gyakorlasi idopontok - Csi kung Gyakorlatok

Következő Csikung alap tanfolyam:

2012. 04.14-15 Budapest,
Griff Hotel Konferencia Központ

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Qigong Exercises

Qigong Exercises - How To Use Them To Fully Benefit Your Health And Well Being?

First of all the most important thing is that you allocate the time for your practice. As you probable know this saying: practice makes the master. As everything else in life, you need to do something to achieve something. Don't think that without doing the qigong exercises you can have the benefits.

This was said to the general public - of course you don't belong to the, do you?

So let's go deeper. If you fully want to take advantage of your qigong then you must have ashedule. That is you must have it planned, programmed if you wish in your everyday life. You can see great results if you stick to that program.

Also remember to wear comfortable clothes while doing the qigong exercises. The best practice is to do them in the same set always. The energy adds together and just by putting those clothes on you get into the right mindset.

Sometimes it's easy to do them while at other times you just come up with all kinds of "excuses" - your body wants to opt out for whatever reason. What usually happens in these cases is that the energy in unblocking your meridian. Keep on doing the posture and in a couple of minutes the discomfort dissappears and leaves you wondering how easy the practice is again.

If you just want to start out with qigong or are fed up with the complicated systems I have got a suggestion:

Go and buy this e-book by clicking on the image. It's got great information and shares all the postures and movements you need to have success with your qigong exercises. you'll see results in the first week of your practice.

Remember, the most important thing to have results is to practice!