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Thursday, 15 April 2010

Good OR Bad Calories?
 Is calorie a bad word? 

No, it’s not bad—just misunderstood! Most people who use the word calorie simply don’t know what it means.   

Why is calorie such a misunderstood word? 

People have been told, time and time again, that who consume more calories than their bodies burn will gain weight. As it is  explained in The Diet Solution: Start Eating and Start Living, this statement is only partially true. All calories are not created equal; calories consumed from healthy foods and unhealthy foods are quite different. 
How many calories should we eat each day?  
There is a short answer: “enough.” The calories you consume must provide enough energy for your body to perform all necessary functions and activities—and bring about optimum health. The long answer is that the number of calories needed varies from person to person and depends on weight, food consumed, sleep, stress and activity levels, age, and a lot of other factors that affect metabolism. In The Diet Solution: Start Eating and Start Living thereis  a calorie equation to help you estimate, according to these factors, how many calories you should consume to lose weight or maintain weight. It also includes charts to help you choose the right sources of those calories to support your efforts.

Watch this free video to get more insight ( no catch, no opt-in needed!)

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